Proxy list format converter

The format converter is designed so that you can easily change the format of your current proxy list to any other format that you need to work with.
Input data format

Click on the elements to change the value


Insert list to convert :


Entered login/password will be used for each proxy


If your username/password is not mentioned in your list ! Add

Output data format

Conversion result :

File format:

Pay your attention to a tool called proxy list format converter. Using it, you can edit the lists you have for the desired format of both the file and the list itself with IP addresses. The converter is simple and intuitive. We hope it will be useful to you and save your time by automating, although not a complicated, but sometimes such a necessary process.

How to use!

You see 2 windows: For entering data and for receiving already necessary (output ready data).

In the left window, you enter data manually or upload a file, paste the copied one. If necessary, specify the login and password for the proxy list.

Arrange blocks with the designation: login, password, port, IP address in accordance with the order in which you enter your data.

In the right window, you arrange the blocks: login, password, port, IP address in the order in which you want to receive your converted list.

After clicking the CONVERT button, you will be able to see your proxy list in the right window.

It can be downloaded in different file formats or simply copied.