An IP address contains a lot of information about the user, which can be used for various purposes. Below is everything we have managed to learn about your IP address.

Your Address
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Detailed Information About IP Address

The term comes from the English "Internet Protocol Address". It refers to an identifier assigned to a device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) that connects to the global network or a local network (home, corporate, etc.).

Structure and Composition of IP Address

This combination is used to identify a user connected to a local or internet network. There are two types of addresses: IPv4 and IPv6. They differ in length and the "alphabet" of characters used:

  • IPv4 addresses consist of 4 groups of digits separated by dots. Each group can be represented by a value from 0 to 255.
  • IPv6 addresses are longer. They use 8 groups of characters: not only digits but also letters.

“Check my IP” means determining these digital (for IPv4) or alphanumeric (for IPv6) combinations that identify a device connected to the network (local or internet). IP is also checked when connecting to a website. This is necessary, among other things, to establish the data transmission route between the device and the server. If a user wonders how to find their IP address, they are taking the first steps toward using their surrounding information field with a higher level of security.

Types and Assignment Process

IP is assigned to a computer (or another device) when connecting to the network. The assignment is not random: the device is assigned an IP address that is currently free from the service provider. So, the IP address may not always be the same for a particular device. Such addresses are called dynamic: each time the device connects to the network, it gets a new Internet Protocol Address. If desired, one can make the IP address permanent. To do this, contact your internet provider (or network administrator) to "fix" the address for a specific subscriber. Permanent IP addresses are also called external. Typically, there is a separate fee for fixing an address to a user. There are also internal IP addresses. These are IP addresses assigned to devices within a local network.

The distinction between dynamic and static addresses is not accidental. The need for dynamic IP addresses arises because there are so many internet users that there aren't enough permanent IPv4 addresses for everyone. Therefore, they are dynamically allocated: each time a user connects to the network, a new IP is used in sequence, depending on availability.

Permanent addresses are convenient when a user needs regular access to the same resources (particularly when using IP-based authentication). However, they are potentially more vulnerable than dynamic addresses.

How to Find My IP?

Specialized services can help with this. Their principle of operation is quite simple: the service requests your browser for the IP address information (it is stored in the browser and computer), receives a response, and displays it to the user in real time. At the same time, other information may also be displayed, such as the user's location calculated from the IP address, details about the internet provider through which the connection is made, and so on.

“MY IP” — An Effective and Simple Tool for Determining IP.

My IP is a specialized service that allows you to determine the exact IP assigned to the device. It will show the one from which the request to the host is made.

Why find your IP address at all? Generally, this is done for the following reasons:

  • For security. Knowing your address and being able to hide it from the target host ensures the safety of personal information. By using the obtained address, an attacker can infect the PC (for example, using a browser) and turn it into a bot participating in DDoS attacks and other illegal activities (without the owner even suspecting it). They can also access login credentials, banking card details stored on the computer, and more.
  • From the perspective of the target site, knowing compromised IPs can help protect the host (website) from illegal activities.
  • For work. In this case, you need not only to find your IP but also to hide it. This is necessary to bypass geographical blocks, limitations on the number of requests from a single IP, and other “obstacles”.

How to Change Your IP Address

The simplest method for those not using static IPs is to reboot the router or disconnect from the network for a few minutes. You will likely get a new IP address. But this method has limited usefulness. It will still be your real IP address, and knowing it, an attacker can gain access to your computer.

To reliably hide the address, you should use VPN or proxies. VPN creates a secure “tunnel” that reliably hides the information between your device and the target host. It is impossible to intercept the IP from the side in this case. Proxies act as intermediaries, contacting websites on your behalf but with their own IP, hiding yours.

So, to ensure security and/or anonymity while surfing using our site, you need to:

  • Determine your real IP using the service on our site.
  • Make it inaccessible to outsiders by using a private proxy: purchase, configure, and use it with confidence that it is securely "masked".

To check the IP assigned to you after connecting to a proxy server, you can use the service again to find out the address with which your computer communicates with websites, other hosts on the network, and so on.

4 Common Questions About IP and Proxies

Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions about IP addresses and the use of proxy servers:

  1. Why is my real IP address still visible to the target host when using a proxy? There could be one of two reasons. First, incorrect settings; check them again. Second, using an HTTP-proxy not configured to mask the IP address. The solution is to switch to one that meets your needs.
  2. How to hide the fact of connecting to the network via a proxy? To ensure that the target host (website) cannot detect the use of a proxy, connect a SOCKS proxy with a higher level of anonymity. Another option is VPN (which additionally secures traffic).
  3. How to obtain a permanent IP address? You can buy it from your provider. Another, less expensive way is to use a VPN service that provides static IP addresses.
  4. Is it possible to hide information about the browser and computer parameters used? This data is transmitted to third-party hosts by the browser. You can use special plugins for this. For example, Random User-Agent (replaces data) in conjunction with WebRTC Leak Prevent (protects against IP leaks).